11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Nopal Cactus

11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Nopal Cactus

Nopal cactus, also widely known as Prickly Pear cactus, is a superfood that is new to the North American market. As with any new product, a little bit of education goes a long way in doing it justice. Now is your chance to find out how this ancient plant can benefit you as it did the Aztecs and current day Mexicans.

The scientifically supported health benefits derived from this plant could fill pages however we are presenting to you the top 10 reasons why you should include the nopal cactus in your diet.

Low Glycemic Index

This is excellent for people who suffer from Diabetes since it maintains blood/sugar levels when eaten. Essentially, it helps to better manage Diabetes and serve as a tool to lose weight.

Great Source Of Soluble & Insoluble Fiber

Previous medical research within the last decade has confirmed that LDL cholesterol levels have been lowered through ingestion of the nopal cactus. Due to the fiber content found in nopales, constipation may also be treated by adding bulk to the stool which better regulates bowel movements. Additionally, fiber helps to promote a healthy colon through the absorption of toxins.

Rich Source Of Calcium

Calcium is an essential dietary mineral. Nopal cactus powder contains about 151 mg in just 2 tsp, making Nopal cactus a rich source of raw vegan source of calcium. We need calcium for good health of bones, teeth, clotting of blood to stop bleeding, healthy function of nerves, muscle and heart.

Treatment Of Diabetes Or Prediabetes

Scientific studies have shown that Nopal cactus helps regulate blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol without the side effects or liver damage from conventional drugs. When you add it into your diet it can lower the rise in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates. Nopal cactus is the most commonly used treatment for lowering blood sugar in type 2 Diabetes patients.

Vegan & Gluten Free

Our Organic Nopal Cactus Powder is 100% pure, with no solvents or fillers. Plantamex Organic Nopal Cactus Powder can be safely added in any food ie; in your favorite bread recipe (1/2 nopal cactus powder substitutes ½ wheat flour), juices, smoothies, salad dressing, soup and more. People who are intolerant to gluten can benefit from this super food.

Weight Management

Nopal cactus powder can help you to lose or maintain weight in combination with exercise and a proper diet. Almost half of the Nopal cactus powder contains soluble and insoluble fiber such as hemicellulose, mucilage’s, gums and pectins that help or delay the intestine’s glucose absorption It provides bulk, cleans the colon and also gives you a feeling of satiety. Its fibers absorb toxins and contain fat binding properties. The high content in amino acids, vitamins and minerals makes Nopal cactus an excellent source of nutrition with a low calorie content.

Rich Source Of Antioxidents

Nopal cactus can grow in the most inhospitable conditions ranging from deserts to extremely cold regions. Consequently, it is rich in antioxidants that aid in reducing free radicals while preventing premature aging and illnesses.

Supports The Gastrointestinal System

Nopal cactus powder contains a high content of fiber, mucilage, polysaccharides and glycoproteins. This has shown to soothe and heal damaged or irritated gastric mucosa.

Lowers Cholesterol

Proven clinical research has confirmed that Nopal cactus has the ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Nopal cactus has sterols and fiber that combine with the bile salt in the intestines reducing the amount of fat in the blood called triglycerides and cholesterol.

24 Betalains

Betalains are phytochemicals that are found in prickly pear fruit, beets and swiss chard. It is the chemical that gives them the red color. Prickly Pear Nopal Cactus Fruit, also known as Tunas, contain all 24 known betalains. Betalains are antioxidants that help to prevent premature damage in the cells, are anti-inflammatory and help reduce blood glucose levels. They also protect the inner lining of blood vessels, the lymph system and provide resistance against free radicals. It is the only plant that contains the richest source of betalains in the entire plant kingdom!

Nutritionally Dense

17 amino acids: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine.

10 minerals: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium and Zinc.

As you can see, Nopal Cactus literally has a laundry list of incredible health benefits. In its powder form, it’s extremely easy to add into your daily intake of food while tasting great at the same time. If you’re interested in given this Aztec super food a try, you may find it for sale in our online store.

Click Here To Buy Plantamex Organic Nopal Cactus Powder Now!

By |2016-11-30T22:20:10-07:00August 17th, 2014|Super Foods|Comments Off on 11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Nopal Cactus

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Plantamex is dedicated to providing its readers with helpful tips and information regarding super foods, herbal remedies and holistic nutrition.