
About Plantamex

Plantamex is dedicated to providing its readers with helpful tips and information regarding super foods, herbal remedies and holistic nutrition.


By |2016-11-30T22:20:10-07:00September 23rd, 2014|Seasonal|

So it is officially Fall! There is something so energizing and magical about the changing of the seasons from Summer to Fall. Warm days, cool nights, and the abundance of color as the leaves change makes the fall season so intoxicating! Between the pumpkin spice lattes, cozying up by the fire, and tailgating with friends, [...]

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Food Colors And Their Beneficial Attributes

By |2016-11-30T22:20:10-07:00September 5th, 2014|Fruits & Vegetables|

Phytonutrients also known as phytochemicals occur naturally only in plants protecting them from ultraviolet radiation and pests. Phytonutrients work in our bodies synergistically with vitamins, minerals and fiber to promote good health and lower disease risk. Also they are antioxidants that protect and regenerate essential nutrients and may lower the risk of cancer. All natural foods [...]

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INFOGRAPHIC: Dandelion Pharmacology

By |2016-11-30T22:20:10-07:00August 29th, 2014|Herbal Medicine|

As a little girl, one of my favourite things to do was blow the white tufts off of Dandelions. Of course, the thing to do was to make  a wish and watch them all float away in the breeze - a process also known as seed dispersal. Below is a Dandelion pharmacology infographic I made which my [...]

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11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Nopal Cactus

By |2016-11-30T22:20:10-07:00August 17th, 2014|Super Foods|

Nopal cactus, also widely known as Prickly Pear cactus, is a superfood that is new to the North American market. As with any new product, a little bit of education goes a long way in doing it justice. Now is your chance to find out how this ancient plant can benefit you as it did [...]

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